Tactical Toolkit.

Train Like We Fight


Tactical breathing is like practicing SPORTS for your weapon – don’t wait until you’re in the thick of it to figure out how to fix it


Welcome to the Tactical Toolkit at Veterans Breath Guide, your resource for practical and effective breathing techniques to navigate moments of crisis with calm and clarity. Our short training videos, ranging from 5 to 10 minutes, offer breathing sequences tailored to address various states of being, whether it's managing a panic attack, fostering creativity, or enhancing focus.

What sets our toolkit apart is our emphasis on training like you'd fight: by regularly practicing these techniques, you build muscle memory so that in moments of crisis, such as a panic attack, you can instinctively employ the correct breath technique to alter your chemical makeup and regain control. Join us in training for resilience and empowerment through the power of breath.

VBG’s Tactical Toolkit will launch on 1-June-24, sign up below to learn more and to get on the waitlist.


June 2024 Launch